What Types Of Email Designs Can You Use?

Email designs come in different types and with different approaches. Every company tries to come up with a unique approach to email design. You need to pay attention to the outcome of the design based on your sent emails after outlining the design. There are different types of email designs you can use to show the reliability or trustworthiness of your emails. These types of email designs are essential to building stronger and lasting business relations with your clientele base.

An example of this type of email design is designing to create an interaction with the reader. In the words of Confucius, “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand.” Your email design should tend towards enabling interaction and communication between yourself and your contact; this process helps strengthen relationships. Below is some example of the efficacy of design in communicating your message effectively and creating valued interaction from your readers.


Design tools to help create effective communication with your reader


Tool #1

1. The purpose of this template aims towards creating conversations and interactions with the reader on an email. A popular misconception is that for an email to be successful, it should be fancy. This is not usually the case. Your email’s priority must be to keep your reader engaged.


Email Template


The essentials of this email are veered toward creating a humanly feel; this encourages the reader to respond accordingly. You should aim to build conversations that encourage interaction with the people at the receiving end of your emails.

2. Another email design on this pack you should look at in the HubSpot Marketplace is a welcome email. The email covers the areas connected with welcoming someone to your product or service.

The best conversation starter with a new contact is welcome emails, and the design you choose to use is crucial. The email may be the first email they receive from you; making a good first impression is critical. In the welcome email example, you are giving out value and resources that help the customer to get started with your product or service. The template effectively communicates with the design. The design here should radiate friendliness and warmness to help bolster future communications.

In the final email on this pack is the coupon email. The coupon email has a flexible layout and design but is highly effective for B2C businesses. The focus remains on the coupon code leading to a clean and user-friendly design.


2. The next email design tool is from Grammarly. The cloud-based English language writing enhancement platform enables you to enhance your writing, and in addition design and send interactive emails to your readers.

The first example in Grammarly is their Weekly Writing Update. You will love this tool, as it will progressively help your writing become better. These places focus on providing a progress report on the quality of their writing. This tool basis on Grammarly’s writing assistant technology. The email encompasses various topics involving the reading in their progress. The design enables the reader to have a full understanding of the improvement process of their writing.


The second example although shorter, gives the reader a focus on the objective. This email design uses the short copy and call-to-action focus. The two emails are excellent examples of emails making use of design to create an interactive platform with their readers. Their objective is to keep the reader focused on the brand and goal of the email.

Just like Confucius said, “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand.” Strive towards using the design of your emails to engage with your contacts and have continued conversations with them.

We here at First Prince Marketing are here to help you make the most out of every email you send. Let us create your email campaigns that can set your business apart. We have the knowledge to create each one of the email types listed above a reality for you, plus a whole lot more.

Get Started Today!!!

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